Project Collaborators

Design.   Daniel Patterson.  Kerry Brooks

Builder.  Sheath Construction


Site investigations identified a subsoil stream on the site which ran from east to west through the lot, settling in a soak at the base of a peppermint tree in the south west portion of the site.  This water ran directly under the chosen location for the home and within the envelope set by the council.  Considering the locality of Margaret River, a township centred around and named after the river it seemed fitting to centre the concept around the water course on the site.

Taking this stream as the origin for the new residence I aligned the entry and general flow of the home to reflect the stream.  To allow the natural energy of the stream to continue un-impeded the entry foyer has been designed as an open-ended corridor extending out on to an elevated deck.

I included a rolling curved ceiling detail to reflect the flow of the water.

The foyer extends out on to the landscape in the form of an elevated deck. Walking to the edge of this deck suggests a sensation of “hanging ten” on a surfboard when you stand at the end. You experience a sense of emerging from the barrel of a wave as the rolling curved roof extends out and lifts as you reach the end of the deck while the ocean breeze south wester meets you.  A tribute to the rich surfing heritage of the area.

The walls defining the entry foyer represent the banks of the river and stream. They are constructed from rammed earth, a material typical for the area which reflects the sedimentary form of a river bed.  The colour selection for the rammed earth was created to reflect the dry timber and bark colours collected from the site.

Facing north is a minimalist living space wrapped in glass and surrounded by a timber deck verandah which is elevated from the natural landscape.  This slight separation and elevation provides a sense of float above the landscape.  The expanse of glass maintains the sense of openness which comes with a large property.  A large dramatic roof overhang provides protection from the direct north sun which is supplemented with various shape shade sails stretched between the steel pergola which wraps the dwelling.

The rammed earth walls extend beyond the edge of the dwelling and into the landscape.  These extensions heat up during the day and radiate the heat our into the home in the evening when the climate cools.

The large volume space was employed to accommodate the gathering of a large extended family on occasions. The high ceilings give a sense of freedom while the highlight glass section provide consistent connection to the sky and tree tops. These features reinforce a connection to place.

Earlier in their lives the clients lived in an old character federation home adjacent to the train line in Guildford.  In the back yard of their property old timber train carriages were used for storage and play equipment for their 2 sons.

Taking inspiration from a portion of this family history large timber train carriage cargo doors are adopted to close off the entry foyer from the living room, passage and cellar, providing closure to the  now adult play activities.